“A Sweet Awakening” is an energizing and upbeat cinematic orchestral background with amazing woodwind section as main instruments. It will work well with documentary, movie, TV series, video game, podcast, etc. The beautiful and lively melodies evoke a feeling of positivity and joy.

Genre: classical, cinematic

Instruments: harp, woodwinds, bass, piano, orchestral percussion

Mood: playful, enchanting, inspiring

black square with white inscriptions

Music by:

Duration: 2:49 2:41

Tempo (BPM): 130

Files Included: Full version 2:49, Loop 2:41

File format: MP3 [High Quality 320 kbps]. Loop: .WAV


funny, nature, classical, positive, dreamy, hopeful, documentary, happy, harp, playful, lively, loop, woodwinds, joyful, tv show, beautiful, enchanting, peaceful, springtime

