A powerful, high energy cinematic rock track featured overdrive distorted guitars, edgy dubstep synth sounds, pounding live recorded drums, and a lot of cinematic percussion, stomps, claps, etc.
This track could be useful for any kind of extreme video such as sports, game, war, shooter, extreme, military, martial arts, urban, advertisement, or action scenes.

Genre: rock

Instruments: electric guitar, strings, vocals, bass, drums

Mood: energetic, powerful, confident

the face of a man, slightly smiling, looking to the right; the dominant colors are brown, black and white

Music by:

Duration: 2:01

Tempo (BPM): 85

Files Included: Full version 2:01

File format: MP3 [High Quality 320 kbps]


trailer, boxing, energetic, chasing, powerful, extreme sports, action, dragster, intense, masculine, video game, rock, movie, confident, advertisement, electric guitar, fat, driving


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