“Childhood’s Dreams” is a cheerful and playful instrumental features joyful ukulele, funny strings and bells, drums, acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, acoustic piano, hand claps and sweet glockenspiel. It has a very bright, upbeat, happy, optimistic and fun vibe that is used for background music by major corporate companies in modern advertising commercials.

This track is available in 2 versions: the main (2:04) and an alternative (2:03).

Genre: acoustic folk

Instruments: acoustic guitar, ukulele, piano, bass, glockenspiel

Mood: children's, happy, carefree

A square with a black and white piano keyboard and the inscription BDKSonic in yellow

Music by:

Duration: 2:04 2:03

Tempo (BPM): 144

Files Included: Full version 2:04, Alt 2:03

File format: MP3 [High Quality 320 kbps]


upbeat, cheerful, children, kids, positive, advertising, hopeful, bouncy, uplifting, happy, BDKSonic, acoustic, ukulele, optimistic

