An uplifting, bright Christmas holiday theme with all the traditional festive trimmings! Sleigh bells, orchestra and jolly piano melody make this track an instant holiday classic. Capturing the true festive spirit, it’s perfect for a variety of projects including TV / film / advertising / YouTube.

Genre: Christmas, fantasy

Instruments: strings, sleigh bells, piano, harp

Mood: happy, playful, joyful

a square image in green and black

Music by:

Duration: 1:39 1:00 0:30

Tempo (BPM): 70

Files Included: Full version 1:39, 60s Edit (1:00), 30s Edit (0:30)

File format: MP3 [High Quality 320 kbps]


Christmas music, merry christmas, christmas, new year, fantasy, snow, xmas, winter

