“Going for a Mysterious Walk” is a classical track designed for a comedy passage. Written for orchestra with an amazing woodwind section. Funny and amusing but adding a hooligan mood. Inspired by the cartoon genre’s pranks. Great for children’s projects, video games and interactive apps.

Genre: comedy, cartoon

Instruments: pizzicato strings, marimba, oboe, xylophone, clarinet, flute, glockenspiel, bass

Mood: playful, happy, fun

black square with white inscriptions

Music by:

Duration: 2:00

Tempo (BPM): 135

Files Included: Full version 2:00

File format: .WAV


comedy, happy, Quirky, playful, marimba, loop, lively, children, woodwinds, kids, whimsical, fun, pizzicato, funny, pets, cartoon, prank, xylophone

