Driving through the streets of 1980s Tokyo, with a sense of yearning for a brighter tomorrow. This synth based, atmospheric track is ideal for film and TV advertising, video gaming and for use as background music in retro / vintage productions.

Genre: ambient electronica

Instruments: synths, synth bass, drums, SFX

Mood: relaxed, warm, inspiring

a purple square with an orange circle inside

Music by:

Duration: 2:54 1:00 1:27

Tempo (BPM): 88

Files Included: Full version 2:54, 60s Edit 1:00, Loop 1:27

File format: MP3 [High Quality 320 kbps]. Loop: .WAV


80s, nightlife, synthwave, pop, streets, video game, futuristic, electro pop, night, synths, robotic, driving, Tokyo, loop, rain, Japan, 60sec version, electronic

