“Winter Adventures” is a serene Christmas orchestral background track that captures the enchanting spirit of winter. Perfect for creating a joyful and magical atmosphere for all your holiday projects and videos: Christmas advertising, Christmas video, Christmas commercial, Christmas promo, Christmas vlog, Christmas cartoon, Christmas presentation, Christmas comedy films, Magic Adventure game, YouTube or TV show.

Genre: Christmas, fantasy

Instruments: strings, woodwinds, harp, sleigh bells, glockenspiel, bass, orchestral percussion

Mood: festive, magical, enchanted

The letter S placed on a background full of colors, all the colours of the rainbow

Music by:

Duration: 2:19

Tempo (BPM): 115

Files Included: Full version 2:19

File format: MP3 [High Quality 320 kbps]


new year, sleigh bells, children, santa, snow, christmas

